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Summer Reading by Hilma Wolitzer

By MPL Staff on Aug 28, 2014 1:02 PM

Can literature change lives? Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Harry Potter, and Madame Bovary— provide a summer of reading and contemplation among the privileged —and less than privileged— of the Hamptons.Summer Reading by Hilma Wolitzer is told from three different women's perspectives.

There is the facilitator of a summer book group, Lissy, who must come to terms with a painful decision she made in her past; Angela, the host of the book club who trying to figure out her role in both her family and her life; and Michelle, the housecleaner who sets up and cleans up after the book club who is questioning her relationships. The titles chosen for the book club are read (or at least skimmed) by the three different women and though they may never actually have a book club discussion about them, the books affect how they think and act for the rest of the summer.

Meredith @ Central

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