Milwaukee Road Archives

The Milwaukee Public Library became the official archival repository of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul & Pacific Railroad, also known as the Milwaukee Road, in 1981. The collection of materials at MPL is extensive and mostly unprocessed. All research inquiries should be directed to mplarchives@milwaukee.gov. Processed collection finding aids can be found at Archival Resources in Wisconsin. Materials are viewed by advance appointment; due to the nature & size of this collection same day access is not guaranteed. General information about the collection, including links to digitized materials, is below. As more materials are processed and/or digitized, finding aids will be added to Archival Resources in Wisconsin and the Milwaukee Road digital collections.
(image above 2-6-6-2 Compound Steam Engine #5023, 1911)
Milwaukee Road History
In 1847, the Milwaukee and Waukesha Railroad was incorporated, and three years later its first train operated between Milwaukee and Wauwatosa. By 1857, track reached Prairie du Chien. The name changed to Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul in February 1874. The railroad grew strong throughout the Midwest, by 1887 reaching through Iowa and South Dakota, as far west as Kansas City and north into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
In 1905, the Milwaukee decided to expand west again, this time to Puget Sound. The "Lines West" were built between 1906 and 1909, from the middle of South Dakota to Seattle/Tacoma. Technological marvels, the lines were never successful and were a major contributor to the bankruptcy in 1925. In 1928 the Road reorganized as the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific. It was bankrupt again in 1935 and 1945. In 1977, once more in financial trouble, it reorganized and shed two-thirds of its trackage. It was acquired by the Soo Line Corp. on February 21, 1985, which operated it as the Milwaukee Road, Inc., until merging it into the Soo Line on January 1, 1986.
Despite its financial difficulties, the Milwaukee was innovative. It pioneered long-distance electrification (656 route miles), construction of all-welded freight and passenger cars, and operation of high-speed intercity passenger trains. (The steam powered Hiawatha commonly ran over 100 mph.) The road employed thousands and touched millions during its operation — its legacy continues today through the interests of hobbyists and historians alike.
For more detailed historical information, please see the materials on this Milwaukee Road published resources list [pdf] or search MPL's CountyCat catalog. An appointment may be required to use some materials, depending on their location.
Collection Overview
The descriptions below are a sample of the types of records that can be found in the Milwaukee Road archival collection. This list is not comprehensive or exhaustive and collections will be updated over time.
Annual Reports
Annual reports for the Milwaukee Road are listed in MPL's CountyCat catalog. Years available are 1863-1954, 1975-77, 1980-1984.
Corporate Records
Included are reports of the Board of Directors from the Milwaukee Road, contracts that were made between the railroad and various suppliers as it moved westward, and documents concerning its bankruptcies. Milwaukee Road corporate records finding aids may be found online by using Archival Resources in Wisconsin which contains the finding aids of archival collections in the Milwaukee Public Library and around the state of Wisconsin.
The public may view Milwaukee Road archival collections by advanced request in the Zeidler Room of the Central Library. To request archival materials for your research visit, please email mplarchives@milwaukee.gov with a specific request based on your review of the online finding aid(s).
Digital Collections
The Milwaukee Road Archives Digital Collection
This collection represents the start of the process of digitized some of the tens of thousands of Milwaukee Road records. In includes a selection of corporation records, photographs, drawings, a small selection of employee records, images from the Everett Street Station / Union Depot and other small depot drawings. Please continue to check back for updates.
Employee Magazine
There is a complete set (1913-1974) of the employee magazine, Milwaukee Road Magazine, indexed by the railroad with historical information about the Milwaukee Road and biographical information on employees. Index available online .
The Milwaukee Road Archives also has records on many officials of the railroad and some employee files. Indexes to these employee records are available online.
Employee Records
The Milwaukee Road Archives also has records on many officials of the railroad and some employee files. Indexes to these employee records are available online.
Because the Milwaukee Road built most of its own equipment, the collection contains more than 50,000 engineering drawings of cars, structures and locomotives.
Images range from glass plates done in the late 1800s to modern color slides.
The archives include a complete collection of passenger train timetables from 1886 to Amtrak 1971, and a large number of "employee" or divisional operation timetables from the Milwaukee Road and smaller railroads that became part of it.
Using the Collection
Milwaukee Road materials are viewed by appointment only in the Frank P. Zeidler Room of the Central Library. All materials are requested and appointments are scheduled here. Same-day access cannot be guaranteed. All research questions should be addressed via e-mail to mplarchives@milwaukee.gov and will be answered in the order received.