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Job Seeking

Job Seeking

Milwaukee Public Library can help your job search with resources on conducting job searches, applying for jobs, and writing cover letters and resumes. For more information please contact us.

Job Readiness Programs Books and More
Job Searching Community Employment Partners
Job Skills  


Job Readiness 101

New programs coming!


Job Searching


Community Employment Partners

Employ Milwaukee

Employ Milwaukee is the local workforce development board serving Milwaukee County. By convening leaders from business and industry, economic and workforce development, education, and training as well as community partners and policymakers, our vision is to develop workforce solutions that promote regional economic growth and employment opportunity for all job seekers.

Our mission is to build a strong workforce development system by planning, coordinating, collaborating, and monitoring workforce initiatives with businesses, partners, and community stakeholders at the local, regional, and state level to ensure a skilled and productive workforce for the 21st Century.

Please enjoy this informational video about Employ Milwaukee.

Goodwill Greater Milwaukee & Chicago

Our Mission: Connecting people to work. Preparing people for life.
Our Vision: Transforming lives and communities through The Power of Work.

Goodwill Workforce Connection Centers offer support with job search and application processes, along with access to job-hunting resources, tools, and technology throughout the greater Milwaukee and Chicago areas. Whether you're a teenager seeking your first job, re-entering the community after incarceration, or navigating a job search, we are here to assist.

Job Skills

Cover Letter and Resume Help