Book a Business Librarian

A one-on-one business information consult with librarians from Milwaukee Public Library.
Book an appointment with one of our Business Librarians and get help locating business information. Appointments can be in-person or virtual.
How to Book an Appointment:
Call our Business Reference desk at 414-286-3051. Mon & Tues: 10am-7pm, Wed-Fri: 10am-6pm, Sat: 9am-5pm.
Visit any Milwaukee Public Library location and speak to a reference librarian.
Email us at MPLBusinessLibrarians@milwaukee.gov
How Can We Help?
Types of questions we can assist with:
Questions about starting a business, resources on developing a Business Plan, researching your industry and competitors, how to find your customers, and intellectual property resources.
Types of questions we cannot assist with:
Legal advice, completing forms or paperwork, or conducting personal research.
As librarians we can direct you to resources and provide instruction on using databases. We will not create your business plan or conduct the research for you. If you’re unsure of the scope of our service, please give us a call! 414-286-3051.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Book a Business Librarian?
It’s a service offered by librarians in the Business & Technology Department at Central Library. You can get help with business reference questions via a virtual or in-person appointment.
What resources do the librarians use?
Based on your question, a librarian will do some prior research before the meeting and will curate relevant resources including but not limited to free library databases, government websites, books and community referrals.
How will I get the answers to my question?
After the session, the librarian will email you resources consulted during the appointment.
Is there a limit to the number of consultations?
We ask that you limit the consultations to once per month. There is no limit on the number of times you can visit the Business & Technology Department in-person, or ask a question via email.
How long do the sessions last?
Sign up in advance for a 45-minute session.
How can I make the best use of the service?
Ask one clear question per consultation. Be on time. If you need to cancel, please do so at the earliest time and reschedule as needed.