State and Local Government Information
State and Local Government Information
State of Wisconsin
Milwaukee Public Library receives state of Wisconsin government publications through the Wisconsin Document Depository Program; these print materials are listed in our CountyCat catalog. In addition, the state of Wisconsin publishes many recent state government documents electronically through the Wisconsin Digital Archives, which is a growing collection of documents about the activities, functions, and policies of Wisconsin State Government. The collection contains documents from 2001 to current, published by the Executive and Judicial branches of Wisconsin State Government, state government task forces, initiatives, boards, commissions, councils and special study groups.
City of Milwaukee
Milwaukee Public Library holds many historic and recent print publications from City of Milwaukee agencies and departments. Search the CountyCat catalog or consult reference librarians in the Frank P. Zeidler Humanities Room for assistance. Unpublished materials may be found in the City of Milwaukee Archives, which are held at Milwaukee Public Library.
City of Milwaukee government information not found at MPL may be available from the Legislative Reference Bureau at City Hall.