Art Resources
Let us help guide you to the best art & architecture resources available.
Reliable and relevant art and architecture information can be tricky to find. Milwaukee Public Library’s Art, Music & Recreation department has identified valuable resources that will help with your research. To use these resources, follow the directions on each page linked below. For more general inquiries. contact us at ask.mpl.org or (414) 286-3061.
Art Index Retrospective: An index from EBSCO to 600 art magazines covering the years 1929-1984. Based on vols. 1-32 of the H. W. Wilson Art Index. Full articles not included, but may be available by checking CountyCat to see if the Milwaukee Public Library owns the magazine.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory: A digital source of information on more than 140,000 historic buildings, structures and objects throughout Wisconsin.
Library Collections
Auction Catalogs: The Art, Music & Recreation Room of the downtown Central Library houses a collection of auction catalogs from Christie’s, Sotheby’s, the Milwaukee Auction Galleries, Schrager Auction Galleries and the Milwaukee catalogs of Leslie Hindeman Auction Galleries. Request access to these materials from the Frank P. Zeidler Room.
Milwaukee Architecture Index: An index of over 3000 citations in over 70 books of information about Milwaukee buildings and architecture, sorted by address.
Sheet Music Collections: Thousands of pieces of sheet music, including the WTMJ Grenadiers band music.
Wisconsin Artists Index: An index of over 2500 citations in over 50 books of information about Wisconsin art and artists, available for use in the Central Library’s Art, Music & Recreation Room.
Archives & Special Collections
Poster Collections: The Milwaukee Public Library has several collections of posters, including those of the Gugler Lithographic Company of Milwaukee.
Trostel Collection of German Theater Scripts: More than 1500 German plays from the Milwaukee German Theater stock company. (Part of the Local History Manuscripts Collection)
Wisconsin Architectural Archive: A collection of thousands of drawings and plans from more than 470 architects and firms, dating back to 1851.