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Resources for Older Adults

By MPL Staff on May 6, 2021 12:00 AM

The Milwaukee Public Library’s Resources for Older Adults web page is designed to be the one-stop link for what matters most to Milwaukee’s 60+ community.

According to the most recent State of America’s Libraries Report 2014, Baby Boomers, post-World War II individuals born between 1945-1965, are the largest segment of the US population (30%) and are creating new demands on library services.  The Census Bureau estimates that in Milwaukee, individuals age 60 and over make up about 15 to 16 percent of the population. In 2050, the population aged 65 and over is projected to be 83.7 million, almost double its estimated population of 43.1 million in 2012.

In 2016, the Milwaukee Public Library received gifts from Naomi B. Strehlow and St. John’s on the Lake to promote 60+ programming. In response, the library’s 60+ Committee was formed with the goal to share ideas, make community connections, seek patron input, and explore programs, services and technology that would provide relevant services that support the library’s organizational values.  The committee organizes staff training and consciousness-raising needs regarding new patterns in aging that will enable Milwaukee Public Library to serve as a cornerstone institution in the community for productive aging. Adding a webpage dedicated to serving older adults to the library’s website was one of the committee’s goals for 2021.

What’s included on the web page? Links to audiobooks, large type books, resources pertinent to the needs of older residents who wish to remain active. MPL has also included a link to the calendar of upcoming programs that are intended for mature interests. The initial featured video on the page demonstrates how to navigate the MPL website to access free databases, and a link to access other videos on the library’s YouTube channel. This video will change, as will a featured book selected and annotated by an MPL librarian. The page can be accessed directly at

Milwaukee Public Library continues to help people of all ages read, learn and connect!

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