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Exciting Developments @ the New East Branch!

By Margaret D on Oct 20, 2014 5:01 PM

There was so much happening today at your new East Branch Library! First came a huge truck full of our new shelving, which is already being installed! Then we took delivery of the components for our shiny new automated sorter. Finally, we were able to catch local artist Santiago Cucullu at work on the mural decorating the ceiling of the Community Room. Everything looks amazing! Just 5 weeks until the new building opens to the public — November 22nd!


Big Truck
Truck full of goodies!
Boxes and boxes of shelves


Shelving skeletons — just in time for Halloween!


Automated sorter components laid out in the workroom. With indoor and outdoor automated returns both visible.


Mural installation on the Community Room ceiling


Local artist Santiago Cucullu hard at work


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