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And Later That Night When His Lights Went Out of Sight, Came the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

By Tim on Nov 10, 2015 3:00 PM

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald. A memorial service was held in the Humanities Room of Milwaukee's Central Library, which houses the Great Lakes Marine Collection.  A moment of silence was followed by the ringing of the bell 29 times, once for each of the crew lost with the Fitzgerald.

The original model of the fateful ship presented to Mr. Edmund Fitzgerald is on display in the Humanities Room.

Outside of the Humanities Room, you'll find a life ring and the neck of the christening bottle from the Fitzgerald.

Learn more about the Fitzgerald by stopping in, or checking out some of the fabulous library materials on the topic. And maybe commemorate the day by listening to a little Gordon Lightfoot.

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