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How well do you know your spouse?

By MPL Staff on Mar 28, 2014 9:58 AM

youshouldhaveknown.jpg Jean Hanff Korelitz's addictive and disconcerting mystery You Should Have Known will make you wonder... Grace Reinhart Sachs, a therapist in Manhattan, contends that there's no good reason for women to keep choosing the wrong men, if they'd just listen to their instincts. She's about to publish a book, titled 'You Should Have Known', with advice on how to spot a creep on the first date and move on. Of course, she is happily married to a faithful and adoring man. While preparing for the requisite media blitz of publishing a book, she's also helping her son's exclusive private school with fundraising efforts. When she learns that one of her fellow committee members was brutally murdered in her apartment she starts to feel extremely tense and unsettled. Making matters worse is that her husband, who left to attend a conference, is unreachable. The police question all the members of the fundraising committee, but circle back to speak with Grace several times. As information related to the violent crime and her missing husband are uncovered she finds she may have failed to heed her own counsel. Jacki @ Central

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