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The Sound, Culture and Taste of Mexico on Milwaukee’s Lakefront

By Tim R on Oct 8, 2014 9:11 AM
An early picture from Mexican Fiesta, from MPL's Historic Photo Collection

Milwaukee’s Mexican Fiesta has its roots back in 1973, when a Southside street was closed for Mexican Independence Day. A street festival with music and dance and excitement, it was only four years later in 1977 when it grew to the point of being invited to move to the lakefront and the Summerfest grounds. Now it is Wisconsin’s largest paid-entrance Mexican festival, and an important part of the mighty pantheon of Milwaukee’s summer ethnic festivals. Filled with all sorts of great food and performances (like Ballet Folklorico, performing soon at the Milwaukee Public Library), it is definitely worth your time to discover all the great fun and excitement that is available at Mexican Fiesta.

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