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National Small Business Week 2015

By Brett R on May 4, 2015 12:50 PM


The U.S. Small Business Administration has designated May 4-8, 2015 as National Small Business Week! According to SBA's website, the President has issued a proclamation declaring Small Business Week since 1963. Small business owners and their employees make up more than half of all working Americans in the U.S. and create 2/3s of the jobs ( Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy and represent the best of our country's ingenuity and sense of independence.

If you want to start your own small business, or are looking to grow and expand, MPL has multiple resources that can help you in your endeavor. We offer classes on Small Business Resources and Patents, have subscriptions to databases containing valuable up-to-the-minute information, and of course have books on everything from starting out to management to accounting. It may be National Small Business Week this week, but supporting small businesses is something we do here every day at MPL.

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