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By Brett R on Jun 15, 2015 12:00 PM

"Liberace Colour Allan Warren" by Allan Warren - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

The list of famous musicians from the Milwaukee area is disappointingly short, but we will always have Liberace.

Wladziu Valentino Liberace was born in West Allis on May 16, 1919. A veritable child prodigy on the piano, he was already performing classical concerts in his teen years but soon put together an act that included pop, showtunes, boogie-woogie and his own unique flash. By the 1950s he had his own television show and was a top-flight celebrity around the country. He performed concerts all over the world, demonstrating an incredible mastery of his instrument and an outsized stage presence beloved by his fans. Here's a great sample of his performing ability:

Throughout his life, Liberace was a gay man who tried to keep his orientation a secret. He was dogged by rumors and gossip and often threatened to sue publications spreading anything about his personal life. Despite this, his over-the-top style and showmanship made him into a gay icon for the ages. He died of AIDS-related complications in 1987.

More recently, Liberace's life was the subject of a film titled Behind the Candelabra starring Michael Douglas (as Liberace) and Matt Damon. He will always occupy a special place in the hearts of Milwaukeeans.

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