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Get More from Freegal!

By Jennifer P on Oct 9, 2014 8:36 AM


What do Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Cash, Miley Cyrus, Pavarotti and Beyoncé have in common?

All are artists included in Freegal Music's extensive library. Your city of Milwaukee library card grants you access, and the ability to download songs for free and keep them forever. No strings attached. Recently, Freegal has increased the number of downloads available per card from three to five songs each and every week. So go nuts! Make the BEST mixed CD ever. Fill up some space on your iPod or computer. Discover new music without putting a dent in your wallet!

How Freegal Music Works:

  • Library users have a weekly download limit. You will be able to keep track of your downloads in the upper right corner of the site. Every song has a sample clip you can listen to before you download. You must be logged in to enjoy the sample clips.
  • The downloads on this site are all in the MP3 format with no DRM, and videos are in the MP4 format with no DRM. This service will work on almost any computer, player, tablet or smartphone. The Freegal Music mobile app is free in the Apple® App Store and in Google® Play
  • Music videos will cost you 2 of your allotted downloads. If you do not have 2 downloads available you will not be able to download a music video.
  • The search engine is both a simple and advanced search, and will return results primarily by the album that the song is from.

 All you need to access Freegal is an internet connection, a valid library card, and a pin number.

Freegal is accessible to city residents ONLY. Cards issued at suburban libraries are not valid for this service.

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