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Freegal Streaming Music Now Available

By Brett R on Dec 29, 2014 11:30 AM

Just when you thought the Freegal Music service from your MPL couldn't be any sweeter -- now it offers free music streaming! This service is in addition to the free weekly downloads of song files.*

Here's how it works - every MPL patron receives 3 hours of music streaming DAILY from Freegal's vast library of online music. You - yes, YOU - get to choose the tunes to stream. Once your time is up, you can come back the next day and stream for 3 more hours. This time does not count against your free downloads at all! It's a good way to hear music in full you might want to download later for your personal collection. AND you can stream the music from your Freegal app or on the MPL Freegal site!

So log into Freegal today and check it out! Set up a stream of your favorites or select from any of Freegal's preselected streaming playlists. Rock into the New Year with Freegal!

*Disclaimer - Freegal service is available ONLY to City of Milwaukee resident cardholders. Check with your suburban library location for this or similar services they may provide.

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