Refugee and Immigrant Services (English Language Learning)

- English Language (ESL/ELL) Tutoring
- Drop-in Tutoring for Adults and Teens /Tutoria Disponible para Adultos y Jóvenes
- English Reading Hour
- English Conversation Hour
- ESL Book Club
- Northstar Digital Literacy
- Voces de la Frontera Citizenship Classes
- Additional English Language Learning Resources
- Testimonials
- Recorded Programs
English Language (ESL/ELL) Tutoring
Need help learning English? Have questions about English conversation or grammar? Want to practice English listening skills? Email us at LibraryRefugeeCommittee@milwaukee.gov to set up a day and time to work virtually or in person with a trained ESL person.
Drop-in Tutoring for Adults and Teens
Sit down with an experienced tutor for help with English. Work on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills with a tutor who is encouraging and supportive. Tutors can also help all adult learners with test prep, basic reading, or computer skills. No appointment necessary.
Mondays, 1-2 pm
Zablocki Branch
3501 W. Oklahoma Ave.
Mondays, 4-7 pm
Tuesday, March 25, 6-8 pm
Wednesdays, 12-3 pm
Fridays, 10 am-1 pm
Saturday, March 15, 29, 4-5 pm
Saturday, March 22, 3-4 pm
Mitchell Street Branch
906 W. Historic Mitchell St.
Tutoria Disponible para Adultos y Jóvenes
Siéntase con un tutor experimentado para que le ayude con el inglés. Trabaje las habilidades de lectura, escritura, escuchar y hablar con un tutor que es alentador y de apoyo. Los tutores también pueden ayudar a todos los estudiantes adultos con la preparación para los exámenes, lecturas básicas o habilidades de computadoras. No se necesita cita.
Lunes, 4-7pm
Martes, Marzo 25, 6-8pm
Miercoles, 12-3pm
Viernes, 10-1pm
Sabado, Marzo 15 & 29, 4-5pm
Sabado, Marzo 22, 3-4pm
Sucursal de la Biblioteca Mitchell
906 W. Historic Mitchell St.
English Reading Hour
Practice reading and speaking English with fellow English Language Learners. Every weekly session we read poetry, prose, and excerpts from books; we read lyrics and then listen to songs; and occasionally we take a look at comic strips. We answer any pronunciation, spelling, or grammar questions that arise and we discuss cultural context, possible meanings, or feelings behind the readings. There’s learning and discussion and friends to be made in a friendly and nurturing setting. If English is your Second Language, then come read and learn with us!
Mondays from 4-5 pm CST
Mondays through April 28, 2025
Please register for the program here.
A free weekly conversation session for adult English language learners. Strategies for "small talk" and getting-to-know-you activities, as well as games and structured practice to activate vocabulary and language skills, are offered in a relaxed and supportive environment. Everyone is welcome!
Tuesdays from 4-5 pm CST
Tuesdays through April 29, 2025
Please register for the program here.
ESL Book Club
ESL Book Club is for adult English language learners. Practice your English reading, speaking, and listening skills. Read part of the book ahead of time and read a chapter together out loud with the group. We will discuss the book's themes, vocabulary, and cultural references. Join other adults learning ESL in this fun and engaging club. Email Becky at ramanz@milwaukee.gov for the reading schedule.
Wednesdays from 1-2:30pm
January 15, February 5 & 19, March 5 & 19, April 2 & 16, May 7
Please register for the book club here.
Northstar Digital Literacy
Northstar Digital Literacy is an online tool that provides assessments, instructor-led curricula, and self-directed online learning for basic digital literacy skills with a focus on ABE and ELL students. Organizations can use Northstar resources to determine needs, provide relevant instruction, and track results. NorthStar Digital Literacy is provided with support from Wisconsin Literacy. Please email LibraryRefugeeCommittee@milwaukee.gov for more information or to get started!
Voces de la Frontera Citizenship Classes
In partnership with MPL, Voces de la Frontera is offering Beginner Citizenship Classes for the English Exam. All students should register before attending the classes with Roselia Navarro (414) 581-9617. Walk-ins are welcome if space allows. All students must have at least 5 years of residency or 3 years as a permanent resident who is married to a U.S. citizen. The class is presented in English and Spanish.
Wednesdays, 4:30 to 5:45 pm
Mitchell Street Branch
906 W. Historic Mitchell St.
Additional English Language Learning Resources
MPL offers additional resources for English as a Second Language (ESL) and English Language Learners (ELL). Central’s Adult Study Center has various materials to improve one’s English. This material is available for specific ESL/ELL languages as well as general ESL/ELL. Many of the branch libraries in the MPL system also offer ESL/ELL materials.
MPL subscribes to Mango Languages, Pronunciator, and Transparent Languages electronic resources. These subscription sites offer language-specific ESL modules in many different languages. In addition, Gale Courses database has several ESL courses.
For more information on the services we provide including partnerships please contact the Refugee and Immigrant Services Committee:
Refugee and Immigrant Services Chair Eric Johnson
(414) 286-0816
"Participating in English Reading Hour and in English Conversation Hour at the Milwaukee Public Library from the Dominican Republic has been a great thing for me. It helped me finish my English program successfully and I had a lot of fun in every meeting. Take advantage of this great opportunity!" - Nelida
"I love English Conversation Hour. The librarians are super enthusiastic and cheerful. They teach us a lot of vocabulary and answer questions. I feel more confident when talking to people. It has helped me a lot. I am able to speak better, understand better and I can share my stories with everyone. The program is also very relaxed and fun. Thank you very much!" - Van Trang
"Attending English Conversation Hour makes me happy. I learn new words and improve my pronunciation. The librarians that teach us are very friendly and patient! We meet people from all over the world!" - Polina
"One of the good things from 2020 was the time I spent practicing English with some other English Language Learners. The virtual meeting was like a refuge for me. In this class I practice my English and I have been noticing improvements in my knowledge of the language. We talk about our weekend recaps, food, and festivities, and then have open discussions which opens up more learning. The classes are all very nice. There is no way to forget the English expressions and phrasal verbs presented to us in the English Conversation Hour. I feel really thankful because of the job the librarians have done for us." - Lidia
Recorded Programs