Transparent Language

Transparent Language
With over 110 language paths available and 16 English-as-a-Second-Language modules, Transparent Language offers many possibilities for improving language skills for school, travel, international business or cultural awareness.
New users are asked to create an account using a desktop computer. Once an account is created, clicking on the “Go mobile” link offers instructions for using Transparent Language on iOS or Android devices. Returning students will be asked to log into the account to keep track of progress. Signing up for notifications allows the program to send a reminder when a lesson hasn’t been completed. Most classes are oriented towards native English speakers, but 37 additional languages (besides English) offer training designed for Latin American Spanish speakers. New arrivals can study for citizenship with the American Citizenship Test Prep Course, by changing the learning language to “English” and selecting “Browse.” Provided by the Milwaukee County Federated Library System.
Library subscription. Available to all library card holders in Milwaukee County.