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This is the book you HAVE to read in 2015.

By MPL Staff on Jan 29, 2015 10:38 AM

In the post-Gone Girl world you can trust no one. The various narrators in Paula Hawkins' The Girl on the Train are no exception.

Rachel, a thirty-something recently divorced alcoholic, is an exceptionally unreliable narrator. Rachel rides the train to and from London every day, pretending to go to the job she lost. During the ride she drinks herself into a stupor and watches the lives of those around her.

In the vein of Hitchcock's Rear Window, Rachel becomes obsessed with a couple who's home she can see from out of the train's window. She thinks of them as "Jess" and "Jason," fantasizing about their perfect life, until one day she witnesses a shocking act.

Through a series of twists and turns, the reader finds out "Jess" is actually Megan, and Megan has gone missing. Believing what she witnessed that fateful day of Megan's disappearance is an important clue, Rachel forces herself into the investigation. The trouble is, she is unreliable, a drunk. Did Rachel actually see something? Did Rachel do something in one of her black out states? You'll have to read to find out.

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