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Meals So Massive They Can Only Be Called Epic

By MPL Staff on Jan 4, 2015 1:27 PM

Have you ever felt like a recipe needed an extra two pounds of bacon? Or that a turducken just wasn’t enough meat-stuffed-into-other-meat and you needed to add an entire roast pig wrapped in bacon to the equation? Or maybe you thought that a cookbook just wasn’t truly worthwhile unless its recipes weigh in at more than one million Calories? Do you love cooking fueled by testosterone and a complete disregard to the dangers of cholesterol? Well, the library has found just the book for you: EpicMealTime.

Yes, this is the final installment of my little unofficial trilogy of ‘YouTube in a Book’ reviews. EpicMealTime, like the rest, originated as a YouTube channel, where rowdy Canadian gentlemen made food dishes that put both your taste buds and your bathroom scale to the test. Today, that channel continues, but these crazy Canucks have also branched out into television and, as this book attests, publishing.

The recipes themselves aren’t anything I plan on making myself – I fear that heart disease or diabetes would set in almost instantly. Each of the recipes has a handy Calorie count right on the page, just so you know how many marathons you  need to run after eating a Turbacon Epic or some Fast Food Sushi to burn off all that extra intake. Definitely don’t take the serving suggestions to heart, as they are both full of ridiculous over-the-top machismo (sadly, with the accompanied sexist language) and completely inaccurate. Ten people to eat a 138,000-some Calorie giant burger? That’s still nearly 14,000 Calories per person!

That said, every recipe in EpicMealTime would be a very memorable experience. If you’re looking for an idea for an absolutely crazy centerpiece for a big dinner gathering, you’ll find it here. Just don’t try to eat a Triple Meat Log every night of the week, that’s going to be really hard on the arteries.

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