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In time so long ago begins our play, In star-crossed galaxy far, far away.

By MPL Staff on May 3, 2014 11:51 AM

There’s been an odd trend of ‘literary mash-ups’ in the past few years, exemplified by Pride and Prejudice and Zombies among others. While many of these are books are just shoe-horning some ridiculous genre element into various literary classic (Android Karenina, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters), there are some nice and more creative efforts that grace the shelves of your local Milwaukee Public Library. With Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you!) on the horizon, it makes sense to alert you to one of the more amusing (and original) series that has come out of this trend: William Shakespeare’s Star Wars.

Yes, you heard that right. As opposed to simply raising the dead in Austen or throwing technology into Tolstoy, Ian Doescher takes George Lucas’ sci-fi classics and translates them into Shakespearean style plays. It’s not a perfectly executed gimmick (though kudos to Mr. Doescher for having R2-D2 beep in iambic pentameter), but the comedic timing is solid and overall is a thoroughly entertaining execution of the idea. So whether your Star Wars nerdery extends to knowing the name of the Cantina Band, or you only barely know the different between a tauntaun and a womp rat, why not stop by and pick up a copy of Star Wars: Verily a New Hope, or The Empire Striketh Back today? The third in the series, The Jedi Doth Return, is due out this July!

Tim @ Central

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