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History of Latinos in Milwaukee Mural

By Heather on Sep 19, 2014 10:38 PM

History of Latinos in Milwaukee mural book cover


"'The History of Latinos in Milwaukee' is a mural, located on the north wall of the Bruce-Guadalupe Community School building. It was conceived and executed by Robert Cisneros, Latino Arts, Inc. visual artist-in-residence, between January and October, 1995. The mural documents the migration of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and other Latin Americans to Milwaukee from the early 1900s to the 1970s against a backdrop of historical events that affected their coming to the United States."

"Each panel of the mural captures a different chronological segment in Milwaukee's Latino history that can be viewed either in sequence or on its own merit. You are encouraged to view the mural with a critical eye, ask questions, and make connections. There is a story in this mural for everyone. The presenters of 'The History of Latinos in Milwaukee' hope to bring these stories to life for you and for all future generations." The panel topics are:

Panel #1 Historical Overview (Panorama Historico)
Panel #2 Influence of Revolution (Influencia de la Revolucion)
Panel #3 Rising Workforce (Crecimiento de la Fuerza Laboral)
Panel #4 Neighborhoods Form (Formacion de Vecindades)
Panel #5 The Great Depression (La Gran Depresion)
Panel #6 Workers Lend Their Hands (Los Trabajadores Prestan Sus Manos)
Panel #7 Arrival of Puerto Ricans (Llegada de los Puertorriqueños)
Panel #8 Rise in Social Activism (Crecimiento del Activismo Social)
Panel #9 Education is the Key (La Educacion es la Clave)

"On October 12, 1995, the mural was dedicated by students from the Bruce-Guadalupe Community School; United Community Center Board President Ricardo Diaz; Walter Sava, Ph.D., Executive Director of Latino Arts, Inc. and the United Community Center; Archbishop Rembert Weakland; Wisconsin Arts Board Executive Director Dean Amhaus; Roberto Cisneros, artist; and others from Milwaukee's Latino community."

All quotations above from History of Latinos in Milwaukee: A Visual Narrative of the Growth of the City's Latino Community, a booklet about the mural that was published in 1997 by Latino Arts, Inc. and United Community Center.


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