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Happy Birthday Woz!

By Brett R on Aug 11, 2014 11:49 AM



It's impossible to imagine libraries today without personal computers. Almost every home has one (or more) as well. The reason for this can be traced back to folks like our birthday boy today, Steve Wozniak.

The computing revolution began in earnest in the mid-1970s among electronic hobbyists and technology fans. Two of those enthusiasts, a couple of Steves named Jobs and Wozniak, put together a computer kit that they began selling at trade shows in California. They named the computer after the record company of Jobs' favorite music group, the Beatles. It was called Apple.

While Steve Jobs is the name most associated with Apple Computer, Wozniak was the real technological mind behind the first Apple computers. His knowledge of electronics, engineering and science (all things Jobs lacked) made the first dream machines a reality. As the company he started grew beyond anyone's expectations, he left to pursue other interests, including teaching, and today is much sought-after speaker and lecturer (not to mention celebrity.)

Thanks for all you've done, Woz, and Happy Birthday!




Image Source: "Steve Wozniak" by Photo taken by Al Luckow - Homepage of Steve Wozniak. Via Wikimedia Commons -


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