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Gale Courses Now Available!

By Brett R on Aug 18, 2014 8:30 AM

School is starting soon - and not just for the kids!

Are you looking to learn a new skill? Get a certification? Take guitar lessons? MPL has something for you!

We are excited to announce our newest offering, Gale Courses! This electronic resource allows you, yes YOU, to take FREE online classes!

What kinds of courses, do you ask? We offer classes in business start-ups, computer applications like Photoshop and SQL, test prep for standardized tests from the GED to the GRE, writing and publishing, math, music, cooking, and more! You can and enroll in and access these courses entirely online (sorry, only City of Milwaukee residents can access the courses remotely) and start getting smarter right away.

Enrollment is currently open for the over 350 courses available, but availability is limited, so sign up ASAP here!


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