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Women's History Month: Cindy Sherman

By tim on Mar 8, 2014 11:10 AM
cindysherman.jpegCindy Sherman (January 19th, 1954) is a contemporary American photographer known for her pioneering work in conceptual portraiture. A graduate of State University of New York at Buffalo, Sherman quickly turned from painting to photography so she could focus more on ideas rather than simply capture or copy a likeness. Sherman uses photography as a means to explore identity, and thus takes on a number of roles including artist, model, set designer, costume coordinator, hairstylist, and make-up expert. Using herself as a model throughout her photographs, Sherman is a woman of many characters yet none of the images depicts her. Instead, Sherman's work depicts a multitude of stereotypes and social conventions used to explore and challenge the roles and representations of women in society. For example, in Sherman's highly acclaimed black-and-white Untitled Film Stills, Sherman re-creates 1950s and 1960s film noir stills to analyze how females are depicted on television and in movies. In some of her later works, Sherman utilizes grotesque arrangements of mannequins and prosthetic limbs to scrutinize the objectification of women. Sherman's work is internationally recognized, and her some of her prints have been the most expensive photographs ever sold. She continues to live and work in New York City. To learn more about Cindy Sherman, click here. Hayley @ Central

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