MPL Partnership Policy
The Milwaukee Public Library (MPL) recognizes that our own resources and the resources of other organizations and agencies can be effectively leveraged to benefit our community. When the Library recognizes a group/entity for a potential Community Partnership or Strategic Alliance, we are indicating strong trust that an association with them supports the Library. Combining resources between organizations ensures a broader reach to share services, programs, and information with community members. Partnerships allow the delivery of these benefits to exceed what would be possible with only one leading organization. Patrons utilizing services, information, and/or programs offered through partnerships also benefit from a more streamlined delivery via these established relationships.
Use of the Library’s spaces are not contingent upon a partner relationship. In support of community activities and in its role as an anchor institution, MPL makes its meeting spaces available for use by the public, when not in use by the Library. Use of Community Rooms and Conference Rooms throughout the Library system may be reserved by any member of the public, subject to the criteria outlined in the Library’s Room Use Policy.
Not every collaboration meets the criteria for the partnership types defined in procedure ADM-PR.073. When the Library and an organization determine that they could work together to mutually further their goals, a partnership may be considered. Agreements must be beneficial to all parties. Collaborations should further the Library’s goals in one or more of the following ways:
1. Advance the Library’s mission, vision, and strategic plan
2. Increase library visibility and identity in the community
3. Support regular library services and programs
4. Enhance or create new ways to respond to annual Library goals or currently identified community needs.
The Library welcomes individuals and organizations who wish to collaborate through a partnership and provides an application process to further that goal. Areas of collaboration may include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Programming and Events: The partner and MPL share the implementation and management of one or more programs. Organizations involved in joint programming share decision-making authority for the partner program.
2. Strategic Marketing and Communication: Partnerships that generate awareness, educate the public, and build broad support for the Library or reaches a new or untapped audience
3. Advocacy: Partners work jointly with the Library to educate the public about issues impacting libraries and intellectual freedom.
4. Endorsement: A request to provide approval or support of a concept, program or action already conceptualized or completed by another organization, such as a letter of support.
5. Tabling and Informational: Sharing of community resources is supported by the Library, and prospective organizations who are interested in tabling are encouraged to fill out a tabling application. Availability and space may vary by library location.
Partnership and Tabling Applications can be submitted online at MPL.org or in-person at any Milwaukee Public Library Branch. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) may be required before a partnership is approved.