Computers & Internet
The Milwaukee Public Library (MPL) supports digital access for the community and patrons by providing equipment for public use and providing robust broadband connectivity at all locations.
Library Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy
Internet Access:
The quality, accuracy and timeliness of information on the Internet varies, and webpages may be controversial or of a mature nature. MPL does not monitor, has no control over, and does not accept responsibility for material in other sources on the Internet. At their own discretion, library users access the Internet and are responsible for the results of their searches.
Responsibilities of Users:
MPL requires users to respect the rights and sensibilities of all library users, and some Internet sites are inappropriate for viewing in a public setting. Regardless of equipment ownership, users should refrain from the use of Internet sounds and visuals that may disrupt the ability of other library patrons to use the library and its resources. Library staff reserves the right to end computer sessions when sexually explicit or pornographic materials are displayed. (See also Illegal and Unacceptable Uses and MPL’s Code of Conduct).
Internet Safety:
In compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)1, MPL applies technology protection measure(s) to:
- Deny access by minors to inappropriate matter on the internet and World Wide Web;
- Ensure the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct electronic communications;
- Protect against unauthorized access including “hacking” and other unlawful activities by minors online;
- Protect against unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors; and
- Include measures designed to restrict minors’ access to materials harmful to minors.
(1) The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) passed Congress on December 15, 2000 to address concerns about children's access to obscene or harmful content over the Internet.
U.S. Copyright law (Title 17, U.S.C.) Prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials, except as permitted by principles of fair use. Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials (including electronic mail, text, images, programs or data) without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Any responsibility for any consequences of copyright infringement lies with the users; MPL expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility resulting from such use.
Users may not permanently store content on library computers or network(s). Anyone tampering with library hardware or networked programs will be denied access to library computers and may lose library privileges.
Users access library equipment or network(s) at their own risk. MPL is not responsible for equipment malfunction, loss of data, any damages to the user's data, or electronic transactions of any type which are related to the public use of library resources.
Illegal and Unacceptable Uses:
Library equipment and broadband may only be used for legal purposes. Unacceptable uses include but are not limited to the following:
- Display of sexually explicit or pornographic materials;
- Harassment of other users or violation of their privacy;
- Libeling, slandering or maliciously offending other users;
- Violation of copyright laws or program licensing agreements;
- Attempting to crash, degrade performance or gain unauthorized access to MPL's or other systems and networks;
- Damaging equipment, software or data belonging to MPL or other users.
Violations may result in the loss of access and/or library privileges. Illegal use of MPL equipment or network(s) may be subject to prosecution by local, state or federal authorities.
Failure to comply with this policy may result in restriction or termination of the user's library privileges and may result in prosecution under local, state or federal laws.
The Milwaukee Public Library is committed to protecting the privacy of users, including when using MPL equipment and broadband.
MPL does not share or sell any customer information with any third party at any time. However, the Milwaukee Public Library, as a department of the City of Milwaukee, is a governmental agency and must comply with state and federal laws, including open records requirements and law enforcement subpoena.
Library Computer Use Procedures:
Computer Use Procedures
- If no computers are available, check with library staff.
- Computer work stations are designed for use by one person at a time.
- Computers in the children’s area are for use by children ages 12 and younger.
- Computers in the young adult area are for use by persons between the ages of 13 and 17.
- Certain computer terminals may be designated for library programs or specific database use.
Library Laptops
- Laptop computers are available for in library use at all Milwaukee Public Libraries (with the exception of MPL Express at Silver Spring).
- Laptop users must have a current laptop agreement on file.
- Library laptops must not be left unattended.
- Any library assigned laptop must be used only by the person who checked it out.
- Patrons who lose or damage a library laptop will be charged up to $1500.00
- Laptop users must return the laptop to the desk or kiosk at least 30 minutes before closing.
Time Limits:
To ensure access for all patrons, the library has installed software on all computers to manage user time limits. The standard session time is two hours per day . Library staff reserves the right to limit computer sessions.
Hours of use:
Computers automatically shut down 15 minutes before closing, except the Central Library Betty Brinn Children's Room and Library issued laptops, which automatically shut down 30 minutes before closing.
Patrons are required to pay for printing. Printing is 15 cents per page for black and white copies and 50 cents for color copies. The Milwaukee Public Library is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when printing.
Saving Files and Documents:
Milwaukee Public Library computers do not allow users to save documents or personal files to the library network. All documents that are saved must be saved to a personal storage device. USB key-drives may be purchased at the library check out desk. The Milwaukee Public Library is not responsible for loss of data that may occur when saving documents.