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How to Solve That Last Bingo Card Spot

By Tim R. on Jul 29, 2015 8:30 AM

Working on your Bingo Card, but don’t know how to find books for your final square? You’re in luck! CountyCat has some great search tools that can help you narrow your search to find the perfect book. Some Bingo sheets have you select a book based on its publication date. If you’re looking for a book published this year, that’s easy – we’ve got a list for you to browse. But what if you want something published the year you were born? Well, we can’t have a list for everyone, but we can show you how to find it yourself in the online catalog.

From the CountyCat start page, begin by entering in a search term for anything you want to read about. For instance, let’s try a search for “Bingo.”


This gives us more than 300 results, which may be more than we want to browse through. But we can shorten the list by using the "Refine by" column. Since this is Book Bingo, let’s remove from the list any articles, music CDs, DVDs, etc. by clicking the "Book" option under Format. By default, the results are arranged by Relevance, but we can change the order if we click "Sorted by Date". 

Now everything is arranged so that the most recently-published book is at the top. You can scroll through down through the pages to find your birth year. Or you can make your search even more precise with another refinement in the left-hand column. Scroll down to Publish Date, and enter the year you were born in both boxes, then click Apply.  For example, let’s enter 1994. 

We’ve narrowed our results to a much manageable number, and a more specific list. These are books, about the topic we want, that were published a specific year. It’s that simple!

Try it yourself with the year you were born!

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