AAGP: Additional Resources
Links to charts and records and to news articles discussing other ways of finding your African roots.
Charts and Records
About has free downloadable ancestral charts as well as census extraction forms for years 1790-1920.
African Ancestry
The African American-owned DNA company helps African Americans find their African ethnic roots through its large and growing database of African DNA samples.
Free Genealogy Forms and Charts
A site that lists all free genealogy forms and charts found on the Internet.
Family Search.org - African American Resources for Wisconsin
ThoughtCo has free downloadable family tree charts and an interactive pedigree chart for personal use only.
News Articles and Videos
PBS – Video: African American Genealogy-How to Conduct African American Genealogical Research
The Best DNA Testing Kit
A guide to at-home DNA kits from Wirecutter, a feature of the New York Times.
Uncovering African Roots
An article on Infoplease site discussing DNA tests revealing African heritage.