Udemy Business

Udemy Business
Udemy Business offers 10,000+ online video courses. Each course consists of on-demand video with support articles. Prior to starting, there is a list of topics covered and in most cases, you are able to preview the course before enrolling. Learners will receive a certificate of completion when the video course is finished.
NOTE: You will need a Google or Microsoft account to sign in to Udemy. If you don’t already have one, Google and Microsoft accounts are free. Learn more about permissions requested by Gale from these services. You must be 13 years or older.
Udemy Business is also available as an app; we highly recommend setting up your account on a desktop computer first, and then set up the app to view your video courses on your mobile device. Directions for setting up the app can be found here
Library subscription. Available to all library card holders in Milwaukee County.