Historic Photo Albums
These historic photo albums are viewable upon requestonly in the Frank P. Zeidler Room of the Central Library. All materials are requested and appointments are scheduled here. Same day access cannot be guaranteed. All research questions should be addressed via e-mail to mplarchives@milwaukee.gov and will be answered in the order received.
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Alcazar Range & Heater Company Scrapbooks, circa 1921-1925 (MHPC-1)
finding aid
Consists of advertisements, promotional literature, photographs of the factory, offices, products and displays, instructions for the use and operation of various products and other material relating to the company.
Basilica of St. Josaphat Album, 1928 (MHPC-28)
finding aid
Photo album of basilica interior views. Artfully inscribed by hand is the text, "The Pastor, Sisters, and Parishioners of St. Josaphat Parish take much pleasure in dedicating this Album to the great Architect and Builder of their Basilica, Erhard Brielmaier, 1841-1917."
Bielfeld Kegelklub Album, 1880 (MHPC-35)
finding aid
An old leather-bound album dedicated to John and Bertha Marr on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary on March 29, 1880. The album was given to them by the Bielfeld Bowling Club.
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Album, 1941 (MHPC-39)
finding aid
This collection contains 11 black and white photographs of the interior of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist after it was restored following the fire that destroyed most of the building in 1935.
Gridley Dairy Company Album, 1928 (MHPC-5)
An album of photographs of Gridley Dairy Co.’s holdings and manufacturing and distributing equipment in the greater Milwaukee area.
finding aid
Photographs from disassembled contents of 2 photo albums. The images are primarily of the kindergarten class from Jones Island. It does include other views of Jones Island, residences and Lake Michigan. All of the photographs are identified.
finding aid
This family album is primarily of the grandchildren of John Baptiste Adolph Kern (usually known as Adolph Kern) and Adolph Meinecke. Ferdinand Meinecke married Margaret Kern in 1879. The album also includes both interior and exterior views of the Kern and Meinecke homes and views of Milwaukee, including the parade for the 50th anniversary of the City of Milwaukee.
Koehring Company Album, 1919-1928 (MHPC-10)
finding aid
Koehring Company of Milwaukee manufactured pavers, shovels, cranes, draglines, concrete mixers, dumptors, mudjacks, bar cutters and benders. The collection of photographs includes pictures of the equipment that they manufactured and action photos of their equipment in use.
LeRoy Wendt Homes Album, 1935-1940 (MHPC-37)
finding aid
This collection contains black and white photographs of homes that were built by the LeRoy Wendt & Associates home construction company between 1935 and 1940. The collection consists of 64 photographs, 19 of which are identified. The homes in the photos are typical of the types of dwellings that were being constructed in Milwaukee and the surrounding area at this time.
Luella Grannis Album, 1862-1867 (MHPC-36)
finding aid
This leather-bound album from the 1860s contains 47 photographs of prominent Milwaukeeans and their children. The album was the property of Louella Grannis who was a nurse or nanny for many of Milwaukee’s prominent families.
Riverview Album, circa 1906 (MHPC-27)
finding aid
A photo album of eight family summer cottages and various scenic views along the Milwaukee River. Cottages and individuals in images are identified. The neighborhood is now known as Lincoln Park, and is on the southernmost border of Glendale, WI. The street identified as “Messmer Lane” on the plat map is now known as Riverview Drive.
Soldiers’ Monument Album, 1898 (MHPC-17)
finding aid
Thirty one views of The Victorious Charge, the Civil War soldiers’ monument in the Court of Honor on Wisconsin Avenue in Milwaukee. The monument was designed and sculpted by John S. Conway and was unveiled on June 28, 1898. The photos in this album were taken shortly after the unveiling.
Wagons of Milwaukee Businesses Photo Album, circa 1900 (MHPC-32)
finding aid - digital collection
The Wagons of Milwaukee Businesses album came to the library from the estate of Theo. Habhegger, a Milwaukee manufacturer of short turn wagons. The album consists of 37 sepia-toned photographs of wagons, mostly belonging to various Milwaukee area businesses, from the early 20th century.
Waterman International Harvester Collection, 1905-1913 (MHPC-34)
finding aid
Album of images and ephemera from H.A. Waterman, superintendent of the International Harvester Company's Milwaukee plant. Includes photos of tractors, the Harvester Milwaukee Band, and Waterman's colleagues at Harvester and the Western Electric Company.
Wisconsin Bridge & Iron Company Photo Albums, circa 1989-1952 (MHPC-20)
finding aid
The Wisconsin Bridge & Iron Company (WB&I) manufactured structural steel for buildings, bridges, and mining and handling structures. The photographs included in these four albums are images of the factories, iron construction contracts, bridges, and bridge construction throughout the country by the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Co., as well as interior and exterior views of the company offices and factories located in Milwaukee.
Wright Family Scrapbook, 1924-1930 (MHPC-33)
finding aid
Images and ephemera related to many members of Wisconsin’s Wright family. Included are photos and clippings related to Milwaukee theatre actress Kathleen Wright, Georgia Wright, and Reverend John Wright, pastor to Col. Coolidge.