Monthly Drop-In Sessions

2024 LibraryNow Drop-In Sessions 

Our 2024-2025 monthly virtual LibraryNow Drop-In Series will kick off in November 2024! If you missed a 2023-2024 Drop-In, all are posted on our LibraryNow YouTube channel.


If you would like to continue to connect with us and deepen your knowledge of LibraryNow, or introduce LibraryNow to your team, you can email to request a free LibraryNow training (offered virtually or in-person). During this session, we will provide an overview of LibraryNow access and resources, and can walk your team through the Digital Educator Card creation process. We offer trainings year-round, and are happy to tailor our trainings to meet the needs/interests of your community.


We look forward to continuing to connect, and thank you for your interest in LibraryNow!

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Graduation Hat

About Library Now

LibraryNow connects you to all the digital resources the Milwaukee Public Library has to offer - 24/7, right at your fingertips, wherever you are.

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